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Each city will have one competition that you will plan.  Usually the competition relates to the culture, landscape, business, or traditions in that area.  Contestants cannot move on to the next checkpoint until the challenge is completed.  Watch the clips below to gain an understanding of the different types of competitions that the teams must complete.    


Contestants Competing in a Baking/Race Challenge

Multiple Challenge Examples from Season 10

Multiple Challenge Examples  from Season 3


Your class has been chosen to produce the next season of the hit TV show, The Amazing Race.  In this show, challengers compete in obstacles as they travel around the world.  This year, the entire show will be based in Indiana.  Along the journey, 28 teams will race to the ending checkpoint in the city, and the last arriver will be eliminated from the competition.  The last team standing in the race will win a million dollars.


It is up to you and your classmates to plan each leg of the journey.  Before you begin planning, our producers have selected clips that are good examples of previous competitions.


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